Terms of use

Terms & Conditions
Membership Fees
Membership Type Fee from 01.01.20
Entrance/ Registration (one-off payment if applying for Member of Fellow Grade) | £25.00 |
Member | £240.00 |
Fellow | £275.00 |
Associate | £180.00 |
Individual Affiliate | £150.00 |
Corporate Affiliate | £250.00 |
Membership Criteria
Honorary Fellows will be Fellows or Members of the Institute who have been accorded honorary status in recognition of services rendered to the Institute.
Fellows will normally be qualified to Graduate level or equivalent, be of at least 35 years of age and have been in independent practice, or equivalent, as a consultant for at least ten years.
Members will normally be qualified to Graduate or Diploma level or equivalent, be of at least 25 years of age and have been in independent practice, or equivalent, for at least two years. Members can apply or be nominated by two other Fellow members to transfer to Fellow after 10 years in the grade of Member or have been independent practice, or equivalent, as a consultant for at least ten years. Applicants are invited for interview.
Associates will normally be qualified to Graduate or Diploma level or equivalent, be of at least 21 years of age and have demonstrated a clear intent to make a career out of consultancy in the rural sector. Associate Members will be required to apply for Member grade within two years of acceptance of their Associate grade. This is a paper-based application.
Honorary Companions will be persons who are ineligible for membership but to whom the Institute wishes to award a form of association in recognition of their renown and status in some related field.
Individual Affiliate status may apply to any individual who is engaged in, operates in, training for or is connected with the agricultural industry but whose work or study requirements would make them ineligible for Member status. Such individuals will work or study within corporate bodies, government, institutions, associations, societies, trading companies, business professions, academic institutions and other entities whose activities in the opinion of Council are likely to promote the aims of the British Institute of Agricultural Consultants. An Individual Affiliate shall not be a member of the British Institute of Agricultural Consultants. This is a paper-based application.
Corporate Affiliate status may apply to any corporate body, company, firm, society or other organisation, which is engaged in, operates in or is connected with the agricultural industry in a manner which Council deems appropriately related to the aims and activities of the British Institute of Agricultural Consultants. A Corporate Affiliate shall not be a Member of the British Institute of Agricultural Consultants.
Who we are?
BIAC (The British Institute of Agricultural Consultants), formed in 1957, is a membership organisation for all engaged in the provision of advice:
- Principals
- Partners
- Directors
- Employees
- Individuals
Members are engaged in the giving of advice in all matters concerning the ownership and occupation of land and rural businesses – not simply farming and food.
What is our purpose?
- To facilitate and enhance the provision of impartial high quality advice to those in the rural, environment and food sectors by accredited professional consultants.
- To provide the independent consultant (the member) with a high quality, professional standing which demonstrates their commitment through BIAC proving their continuous professional development (cpd), PII, Fee Structure, Code of Conduct and Specialist Skills.
- To support younger professionals to become effective consultants.
- To demonstrate that BIAC is the best source of Professional Rural Consultants.
What does BIAC do?
- Operates an up-to-date register of all members showing their skills and contact addresses. This register which is in both electronic and hard copy form is used to promote members throughout the market place.
- Manages a website which not only promotes the aims and objectives of the Institute but also allows visitors to search for the consultant who has the skills they require for their particular problem.
- Provides members with relevant information and knowledge to assist them with their ongoing and continuous professional development (cpd).
- Provides skill facilities for members to improve their technical knowledge and experiences through workshops, seminars, visits and meetings. BIAC currently has the following facilities:
- Business management
- Expert opinion
- Livestock
- Environment
- Rural planning
- International
- Provides a regional network for members to meet together with the other professionals and related organisations in their area.
- Promotes members for work through a comprehensive portfolio of measures:
- Lobbying government, regional and local authorities, agencies, commercial companies, financial institutions and other professional bodies in the rural sector
- Attending relevant exhibitions, conferences, technical events and meetings
- Relevant advertising
- Networking with the other professional organisations in our industry
How do we manage ourselves?
- A modern Constitution and Code of Conduct to provide our council with a professional framework that is transparent to our members, our members’ clients and the industry in which we operate.
- An Executive for the day-to-day activities of BIAC.
- The Entrance Membership and Disciplinary Committee for the governance of membership including all applications for membership, the operation of the Code of Conduct and ethical matters.
- A Publicity Committee to promote BIAC, its members and its activities through whatever medium is judged the most suitable. To constantly review how BIAC is promoted and to market BIAC to other professionals to gain their membership.
- External accreditation of BIAC by the British Accreditation Bureau to demonstrate transparency.
What do we expect of members?
- To abide by a Code of Conduct.
- To maintain and enhance their professional standards.
- To hold and to prove Professional Indemnity Insurance.
- To demonstrate continuous professional development (cpd) and report the same to BIAC.
- Wherever relevant, to participate in BIAC sponsored activities to share and grow knowledge.
- To further the aims and objectives of the institute.
Terms and conditions relating to BIAC Membership
- Completion of the membership process signifies acceptance of the terms and conditions set out below.
- Membership fees may only be paid in GBP £ Sterling irrespective of your country of origin, the table above indicates the fees applicable
- Membership benefits are detailed above
- Copies of Code of Conduct will sent with confirmation of membership.
- Access to the Members Only section of the website online is not permitted until full payment is received
- Discount on BIAC Conference registration fees will not be given until full payment is received. Upon registering as a member your membership will be checked before registration is confirmed
- Fellows and Members are required to submit annual CPD forms and confirm their PI cover.
- Payment may be made by credit/debit card (VISA, Mastercard, AMEX) or bank transfer in GBP £ STERLING only. If paying by bank transfer you must accept ALL bank charges.
- Cancellation policy for Membership: 1) Notification in writing within first calendar month of joining/renewal - full refund less £25 Administration Costs. All bank or credit card charges incurred by BIAC will not be refunded. 2) Reimbursements will be made for payments made by bank transfer only.
- BIAC operates on a calendar membership year. You will be invited to renew your membership on the 1st of January annually.. Renewal notices are issued by post one month prior to expiry. Membership applications received during the year will pay on a pro-rata basis.
- This contract is governed by the laws of England.